Here a small exe that I made as a kind of spin-off of another project.
It enables one to use NSIS AccessControl plug-in from the command line.
AccessControl.exe "<plug-in command>" "<command option1>" "<command option2>" ...
(See the AccessControl.txt and other files for more info.)
One example:
Plug-in command "GrantOnFile" when Plug-in is used in NSIS:
AccessControl::GrantOnFile "path2\yourfolder" "(BU)" "FullAccess"
Plug-in command "GrantOnFile" when exe is used:
AccessControl.exe "GrantOnFile" "path2\yourfolder" "(BU)" "FullAccess"
(Notice: Every parameter must be enclosed in double quotes when using the exe.)
When run, the exe shows the result in a messagebox and writes it to the log file.
The text below is taken from:
AccessControl plug-in
Version: (7th July 2014)
Supported on: WinNT4+.
The AccessControl plugin for NSIS provides a set of functions related to Windows NT access control list (ACL) management.
File and Directory Permission List
File Permissions
- ReadData
- WriteData
- AppendData
- ReadEA
- WriteEA
- Execute
- ReadAttributes
- WriteAttributes
- Delete
- ReadControl
- WriteDAC
- WriteOwner
- Synchronize
- FullAccess
- GenericRead
- GenericWrite
- GenericExecute
Directory Permissions
- ListDirectory
- AddFile
- AddSubdirectory
- ReadEA
- WriteEA
- Traverse
- DeleteChild
- ReadAttributes
- WriteAttributes
- Delete
- ReadControl
- WriteDAC
- WriteOwner
- Synchronize
- FullAccess
- GenericRead
- GenericWrite
- GenericExecute
Registry Permissions
- QueryValue
- SetValue
- CreateSubKey
- EnumerateSubKeys
- Notify
- CreateLink
- Delete
- ReadControl
- WriteDAC
- WriteOwner
- Synchronize
- GenericRead
- GenericWrite
- GenericExecute
- FullAccess
Taken from NSIS AccessControl plug-in's AccessControl.txt
GrantOnFile [/NOINHERIT] <filename> <trustee> <permissions>
GrantOnRegKey [/NOINHERIT] <rootkey> <regkey> <trustee> <permissions>
Pop $Result ; "ok" or "error" + error details
Makes sure that the trustee get the requested access rights on
that object.
SetOnFile [/NOINHERIT] <filename> <trustee> <permissions>
SetOnRegKey [/NOINHERIT] <rootkey> <regkey> <trustee> <permissions>
Pop $Result ; "ok" or "error" + error details
Replaces any existing access rights for the trustee on the object
with the specified access rights.
ClearOnFile [/NOINHERIT] <filename> <trustee> <permissions>
ClearOnRegKey [/NOINHERIT] <rootkey> <regkey> <trustee> <permissions>
Pop $Result ; "ok" or "error" + error details
Replaces all trustees on the object with the specified trustee and
access rights.
DenyOnFile [/NOINHERIT] <filename> <trustee> <permissions>
DenyOnRegKey [/NOINHERIT] <rootkey> <regkey> <trustee> <permissions>
Pop $Result ; "ok" or "error" + error details
Explicitly denies an access right on a object.
RevokeOnFile [/NOINHERIT] <filename> <trustee> <permissions>
RevokeOnRegKey [/NOINHERIT] <rootkey> <regkey> <trustee> <permissions>
Pop $Result ; "ok" or "error" + error details
Removes a formerly defined access right for that object.
Note that access rights will still be revoked even if they are
SetFileOwner <filename> <trustee>
SetRegKeyOwner <rootkey> <regkey> <trustee>
Pop $Result ; "ok" or "error" + error details
Changes the owner of an object.
GetFileOwner <filename>
GetRegKeyOwner <rootkey> <regkey>
Pop $Owner ; or "error" + error details
Gets the owner of an object.
SetFileGroup <filename> <trustee>
SetRegKeyGroup <rootkey> <regkey> <trustee>
Pop $Result ; "ok" or "error" + error details
Changes the primary group of the object.
GetFileGroup <filename>
GetRegKeyGroup <rootkey> <regkey>
Pop $Group ; or "error" + error details
Gets the primary group of the object.
EnableFileInheritance <filename>
EnableRegKeyInheritance <rootkey> <regkey>
Pop $Result ; "ok" or "error" + error details
Enables inheritance of parent object permissions.
DisableFileInheritance <filename>
DisableRegKeyInheritance <rootkey> <regkey>
Pop $Result ; "ok" or "error" + error details
Disables inheritance of parent object permissions.
SidToName <sidstring>
Pop $Domain ; or "error" + error details
Pop $Username
Converts an SID on the local machine to the corresponding username and
domain name.
NameToSid <username>
Pop $SID ; or "error" + error details
Gets the SID of the specified username on the local machine.
Pop $Username ; or "error"
Gets the username of the current user running the setup.